Please follow the below steps to Create Local Users in ESXi 4.1
Step 1: Login to the ESXi Server using Remote Tech Support with root user credentials
Step 2: Create a local user with the below command
# useradd rajas
Step 3: By default local user account created will not be presented shell access. Hence change the shell using below commands
#usermod -s /bin/ash <username>
#usermod -s /bin/ash rajas
Step 4: By default home directory for local users will not be created. Please create a home directory for user using below commands.
#mkdir -p /home/<username>
#mkdir -p /home/rajas
Step 5: change the ownership of the home directory as below
#chown rajas /home/rajas
Step 6: U can login with rajas account credentials but need to switch over to root user to perform special functions
Step 7: How to directly acquire root access while login with local user credentials
#vi /etc/passwd
dcui:x:100:100:DCUI User:/:/sbin/nologin
vpxuser:x:500:100:VMware VirtualCenter administration account:/:/sbin/nologin
rajas:x:5001:100:ESXi User:/home/rajas:/bin/ash
change the last line as below
rajas:x:5001:100:ESXi User:/:/bin/ash
Step 8: Try login with rajas credentials and execute pwd command to see the path
Step 1: Login to the ESXi Server using Remote Tech Support with root user credentials
Step 2: Create a local user with the below command
# useradd rajas
Step 3: By default local user account created will not be presented shell access. Hence change the shell using below commands
#usermod -s /bin/ash <username>
#usermod -s /bin/ash rajas
Step 4: By default home directory for local users will not be created. Please create a home directory for user using below commands.
#mkdir -p /home/<username>
#mkdir -p /home/rajas
Step 5: change the ownership of the home directory as below
#chown rajas /home/rajas
Step 6: U can login with rajas account credentials but need to switch over to root user to perform special functions
Step 7: How to directly acquire root access while login with local user credentials
#vi /etc/passwd
dcui:x:100:100:DCUI User:/:/sbin/nologin
vpxuser:x:500:100:VMware VirtualCenter administration account:/:/sbin/nologin
rajas:x:5001:100:ESXi User:/home/rajas:/bin/ash
change the last line as below
rajas:x:5001:100:ESXi User:/:/bin/ash
Step 8: Try login with rajas credentials and execute pwd command to see the path
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